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Directions to the Business Classroom Building

Business Classroom Building


Business Classroom Building (BUC)
1614 E Campus Center Drive
University of Utah
Salt Lake City UT 84112

Directions from Downtown

  1. Drive East on 400 South:  As you reach the foothills, 400 South will curve so that it's name changes to 500 South by the time you are on top of the hill.  Continue driving East on 500 South until you come to the 1580 East intersection.
  2. Turn left on 1580 East:  You will now be facing North.  Continue driving North on 1580 East until you come to the South Campus Drive intersection.  This is a very short stretch of road so move into the right-hand turn lane early.
  3. Turn right on South Campus Drive:  You will now be facing East.  Continue driving East on South Campus Drive until you come to Campus Center Drive.  This will be an access road on your left.
  4. Turn left on 1725 East:  You will now be facing North.  Continue driving North on 1725 East until the road turns and you see a large parking lot on your right.  Please visit the Commuter Services website ( for questions regarding the days, times, and rates they charge for parking.  Please do not park in handicapped spaces without proper permits, nor in fire lanes at anytime.  There are sever penalties for doing so.
  5. The Business Classrooom Building (BUC) is situated off the Northwest corner of the parking lot, just North of the Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building.  Both structures are part of the complex that comprises the David Eccles School of Business.
Last Updated: 3/4/25